Master-Slave Application (in development)

this module allows you to seperate your OPAS-F clients to multiple hosts or containers. this clients will request a command queue, execute them and push the results to your server.

At the moment there is no protection against an attacker to insert own commands in the database which gets than executed by your client


  • add ‘ENABLE_MASTER_SLAVE_APPLICATION = True’ to your ‘’
  • if need execute ‘python migrate’
  • if not already done, create a pentesting project
  • create an application
  • application needs to have ‘client_credentials’ or ‘password’ as ‘grant_type’


Prepare your environment

For this example. we will use our python api from here. Simply follow the setup guide. We assume, that you already setup a OPAS-F Server, with a user already created.

Pentesting Master

For setting up a pentesting master we need to do the following:

  1. Create a project (or use an existing one)
  2. Setup a new application
  3. Add command to queue, that are fetched from the slave
from opasf_api import OPASFClient

client = OPASFClient(username="your_username", password="your_password")

project = client.create_project("Master-Slave Test Project")

slave1 = client.create_user_application("confidential", "password", "Slave 1")

client.create_queue_item(PROJECT_ID, "nikto -h", str(

This example script can be used to create a pentesting master. Simply edit the values to your needs.

Pentesting Slave


until this one gets better documentation, you may look at the example code at this issue