If you start the server for the first time it should run out of the box using the default values for the different settings. You can configure the server by editing values from within the ‘local_settings.py’ file.

Available Settings (Server)

NAME Default Value Description
DEBUG False Enable Debug
ENABLE_REGISTRATION False Enable registration of new user accounts
PASSWORD_RESET_TIMEOUT_DAYS 14 Token used for password reset is valid for X days
SIGNUP_ACTIVATION_EMAIL_SUBJECT “Activate your OPAS-F Account” E-Mail subject of the account registration email
BUG_DISCLOSURE_DAYS 30 Days until discovered bugs gets disclosed
ENABLE_MASTER_SLAVE_APPLICATION False Enable Master-Slave application
ENABLE_BUGHUNTING_APPLICATION False Enable Bughunting application
ENABLE_BLOGGING_APPLICATION True Enable Blogging application
EMAIL_HOST “localhost” The host to use for sending email.
EMAIL_PORT 25 Port to use for the SMTP server defined in EMAIL_HOST.
EMAIL_HOST_USER ’’ Username to use for the SMTP server defined in EMAIL_HOST. If empty, Django won’t attempt authentication.
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD ’’ Password to use for the SMTP server defined in EMAIL_HOST.
EMAIL_USE_TLS False Whether to use a TLS (secure) connection when talking to the SMTP server.
EMAIL_USE_SSL False Whether to use an implicit TLS (secure) connection when talking to the SMTP server.
DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL ‘webmaster@localhost’ Default email address to use for various automated correspondence from the site manager(s).
ENABLE_ADMIN_INTERFACE True Enable admin interface
ADMIN_URL_PATH “admin/” Change admin url path to hide admin interface if needed
SELF_DOMAIN “http://localhost:8000” Domain which should be used by bug disclosure script
BUG_DISCLOSURE_BOTS [{‘name’: ‘matrix’, ‘enabled’:False, ‘module’:’bughunting.bots.matrix’, ‘args’:[]}] List of dictionaries with settings for bot modules
SIGNUP_CAPTCHA True Enable to solve captcha on signup
REQUIRE_SIGNUP_EMAIL True Accounts only become active after email confirmation
BUGHUNTING_NEED_MANUAL_APPROVING False Bugs gets only published after an OPASF admin has approved

for a full list see django docs


Anonymous Mailing (Server)

requires tor and pysocks to be installed

add the following to your local_settings.py file

import socks
import smtplib
socks.setdefaultproxy(socks.SOCKS5, 'localhost', 9050)

Postgres Database (Server)

requires psycopg2-binary to be installed

add the following to your local_settings.py file:

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
        'NAME': 'opasf_db',
        'USER': 'opasf_user',
        'PASSWORD': 'somesecurepassword',
        'HOST': 'localhost',
        'PORT': '',

note: for the docker-compose setup using postgres, you need to set ‘HOST’ to ‘db’