Welcome to our new Blog for the “Open Pentesting and Security Framework”.
In the last few months we were hardly working on improving the current project state.
We successfully moved away from Gitlab.com, which was blocking our workflow with annoying ReCaptchas. Codeberg will be our new code hosting platform.
What has changed so far:
- moved server part into new repository
- more customization options for server
- improve (encrypted) report generation
- use zsh to provide a client side terminal
- new plugin system for existing pentesting tools (like nmap & co.)
- python-api repository to support custom clients & bots
- Matrix Bot that posts messages if a bug is disclosed
- easier deployment using docker
- a bit more documentation
- master-slave architecture for distribute your work on multiple clients
- some more minor changes and some rewrites
There are still much more features planned and work in progress. More information can be found at our repositories at Codeberg.